27 February 2013

It's like he knows...

I may have already said this before, but I really do find it truly amazing that Oswald Chambers wrote the sermons in his book My Utmost For His Highest from 1911-1917...and they are still so applicable to life today. Nearly every day's devotional really gets me. If you're looking for a good daily read, check it out - either in book form or online at utmost.org.


We are officially in the 'Why?' phase of parenting. I always heard about how much it drives one crazy...and now I definitely agree. AHHH! Not only does he ask why about everything (even the most inane things), he asks it multiple times as if my first answer wasn't satisfactory enough.

L: What are those?
Me: Orange construction cones.
L: Why?
Me: because they're paving the road.
L: Why?
Me: Umm, they repave the roads every so often to keep them smooth.
L: Why?
Me: Would you want to drive over a bumpy road?
L: Hmm, no. But why?
Me: I don't know, Logan. They just do this every couple of years. ::sigh::

Good thing he's cute ;)

In Blake news...he is just a babbling, kissing, high five-ing little ball of energy! Pretty cute. He's said Mama, Dada, and we think a few other words, but today he most definitely said a new one - uh oh! He was busy lining up cars on the inside of Logan's bullet train, and whenever one would fall off he would say "uh oh!" I almost couldn't take the cuteness.

L: I want to go to school!
Me: Good, you're going to go in August! It will be so fun!
L: I want to ride the bus, and I want you to ride the bus with me!
Me: Well, sorry buddy, your school doesn't have a bus to ride. But you can ride with me in the van.
Logan pauses and looks down.
L: I don't want to ride the bus. Buses are scary. And loud.

Oh my!

25 February 2013

One year!

I'm a little late on the ball since we technically moved to South FL the week before Valentine's Day 2012 when Blake was barely five weeks old, but I'll let it slide by a few days - but this month marks ONE YEAR of living here. Crazy! Some days it really feels like last month we left Jacksonville (probably because my first couple months here were spent in a sleep deprived haze, lol).

After a year of Wellington, I can say that I love living here!! The city is beautiful, we've met some really great friends, tons to do, love the house/neighborhood we are in, and the weather is decent (of course I say that now, before the doldrums of summer hit, haha. Check back with me in August!).

This past weekend we visited our Jax friends. Being up there always reminds me how much I love North FL - I really just love that area of the state. I spent four years in Tallahassee, I think it turned me into a bona fide North Florida girl :) between the weather, the pine trees, and more open space, I hope that someday we can call North FL our home again.

But until then, I am enjoying every thing that South FL has to offer...beautiful beaches, amazing parks, lots of farmers markets and kids activities! We have a really fun weekly routine here! I'm excited to be able to really take advantage of all of the fun summer stuff this year now that Blake is older.

Here are a few pics from our short getaway...went by way too quick but we had a blast as always! Love those girls! Can't wait until our summer girls cruise :)

11 February 2013

Run run run

Since I've been going to Sarah's Run Club as well as Meghan's workouts, I finally broke down and decided to get a 'real' jogging stroller. I've been using my City Select for jogging, but it is SO heavy when weighed down with two kids and all my gear (snacks & drinks for the kids, my water, yoga mat) - and to be honest, probably not that great for the stroller, either. I was searching around for a used one on Craigslist, but I swear they seem to be a hot ticket item around here. The cheapie ones were crap, and the rest weren't much cheaper than a brand new one. So when the Instep double jogger showed up at a good price on Amazon I had to get one. I've also convinced Daniel to start running in the evenings with me before dinner - we're on week 2 and he is doing awesome! Ran a mile and a half tonight with me! I love it!

We just enrolled Logan in swim lessons, he started last week. He's in the Minnow class, meaning that he goes in by himself with the instructor while I wait in another room (I watch through the glass). He has been LOVING it. He asks almost every day now if its time for swim lessons, lol! And then he wants to know if its time to go swimming in Aubrey's pool, haha. Only a few more days until our next Jacksonville visit!

After our workout last Monday we had a Valentine's Day cookie decorating party at the park. Logan loved it, of course! And my other cookie monster did too. Blake has seriously learned exactly what a cookie looks, smells, and tastes like...and he wants one. NOW. There is no sneaking one past him at Publix any more! Both kids probably ate about a pound of sugar. Whoops.

Here's a ridiculous amount of pictures from the last two-ish weeks - park fun, beach day, Valentine's Day, birthday party, Cityplace, etc!

06 February 2013


Blake turns 13 months on Saturday, and all of the sudden he doesn't look like a baby any more! Practically running around the house and sprouting more teeth by the day. He points at everything, signs 'more' and 'all done' at mealtimes, and says a few things that may or may not be words...haha. He (unfortunately) seems to love tv as much as his brother, playing with Logan's kitchen, and destroying the train table. He's growing like a weed and wears mostly 12-18 month clothing. Love that little guy!

I especially love this stage now that he is totally mobile. We've been going outside - usually to a park - twice a day now and it is so nice to have two boys that can run around as opposed to having to hold one all the time! <3

My big man has been busy with an intense opinion about EVERYTHING lately, lol, but we love him for it. As quickly as the waterworks start they end, thank goodness. We had a nice little 15 minute long tantrum at the grocery store because his free cookie from the bakery wasn't perfectly round...oh my. To a boy who is 1) totally obsessed with shapes, and 2) worried that someone may have already taken a bite out of his cookie, this was a HUGE deal...hence the meltdown, lol.

Some other funny things:

Logan: look, it's an iPad!
(Pointing to the lily pads in the water at Mounts Botanical Garden)

While reading a book...
Logan: That's a monkey! Wait, no, hmm...that's not a monkey, that's a gorilla!

At the park, holding a handful of acorns...
Logan: Look at all of my gold doubloons!
Arrr matey!
(Someone has seen too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates, apparently)

If there is any question of what time it is...it's always 2:39, according to Logan. He asked what time it was once, and it was 2:39 pm. Now he thinks that time is always 2:39...hahaha.

Oh and in Blake news...he thinks Logan is hilarious. And claps for almost anything Logan does. What a pair.