24 March 2013

Visitors! :)

We had another fun and busy weekend! Monica and Adrian came to visit and we fit in some shopping, two game nights, and the Royal Palm Commons park grand opening!! It was the first time I'd gone shopping at the mall sans kids since December (yes, that is entirely too long!) so I kind of went on a jewelry overload spree at Forever 21. It's not too late to admit that I think I have a small obsession with cheap jewelry...haha.

The grand opening of Royal Palm Commons turned out to be really neat! I was expecting huge crowds but since we went pretty early in the day we managed to miss most of the people. They had a craft fair, small green market, food trucks, and of course the playgrounds and fountains. I was skeptical about another park opening in this area because let's get real, between Wellington and Royal Palm there's about 5 billion parks...but this one is nice because it has a bigger fountain area and another long walking trail.

Anyways, I had the most amazing eggplant sandwich from the Miami Press truck and we shared an order of the garlic tostones. Of course we got shave ice to top it off (strawberry colada flavor!). Oh yeah, and can't forget the cider doughnuts either, a-mazing! Monica and I also somehow ended up ridiculously sunburned!

This past week we also had an Easter Egg Hunt with my Moms Fit4Fun group. Logan had a blast hunting for eggs with his buddies and Blake even hunted for one egg before he lost interest :)

17 March 2013


We spent the weekend celebrating my nephew's 4th birthday and St. Patrick's Day at the Strawberry Festival! All the boys (5 total!) had a blast playing together, especially Logan and the birthday boy. They are only 9 months apart and get along fantastically! So much fun for them whenever we visit :)

Now we're back to the daily grind - Monday will be here entirely too soon!

13 March 2013

What we've been up to...

We have been loving the cooler South FL spring so far! It seems like we've been having more cold snaps than last year and so we've been taking advantage of all the awesome park days. I've been falling behind in my Loganisms department (so hard to remember all of his funny quotes) but he is just a riot most days, and Blake is changing every day - becoming more and more like his older brother...oh boy. He now points to Logan when we ask "where is Logan?" and definitely says "hi," "uh oh" and "hey." He has turned into a serious climber (which Logan hardly did at B's age) and Logan has discovered jumping from high places, so they give me mini-heart attacks on the regular.

06 March 2013

11ish months of Cloth

I think it's somewhere around 11ish, almost a year but not totally sure...but I can definitely say that just like my post on 4 months of CDing, I still love it!

One thing I do hate about cloth diapering is that sometimes it seems overcomplicated to the non-user. It really should be touted as a simple way to diaper because I literally never have to make last minute mad dashes to the store to pick up extra diapers, or try to figure out whether I need to buy a small pack of the extra size up diapers to 'try them out,' or stress about finding the best price (because I ALWAYS do that). I guess because cloth appears to be extra work - but here I am, the laziest of lazy about laundry, saying that YOU CAN DO IT! It really hasn't thrown a wrench in my day to day laundry loads...actually, it really just forces me to switch things over from the washer to the dryer on time, hahaha. I really, really, really hate doing laundry. It's kind of up there with my hate of cooking and cleaning. I really just suck at being a housewife, but that's not the point of this post. :)

Anyways, still using my BG 4.0s (and Blake is looking mighty cute in them still) with a row unsnapped since I last posted. I think the only other thing that's changed is that now I do a full cold wash prior to a hot wash with detergent and rinse as opposed to just a cold prerinse (due to Blake's full human food diet). And still rockin' the Rockin Green detergent.

Oh yeah, and one more thing that is getting ready to change...

I decided to go full time cloth. Yep, I'm taking the plunge and doing nighttime cloth as well. I've always been a little intimidated of nighttime cloth since both of my boys have always been heavy wetters at night, and since cloth generally doesn't hold as much for as long as a disposable, well, I've always just chickened out and used disposables. But since we're potty training Logan, I'm tired of buying a box of disposables just to use at night (and during trips). So I ordered two Tender Tushies heavy wetters diapers from my Jacksonville friend's business First Coast Fluff to try out - I'll try to remember to update once I start using them!

PTBC (Potty Training Boot Camp for all you non-potty speakers)

So, in case anyone was wondering...we did survive the Potty Training Boot Camp weekend. But Daniel may never want to stay home with us again, hahaha. I think we drove him batty with our millions of board games, crafts, and pretend play. Poor Daddy.

Logan did really awesome over the weekend - very few accidents, and we did 100% diaper free, even at nap time and night. Yesterday was our first "real" day of potty training since we actually left the house for the first time in three days. To my happy surprise, we were accident free ALL DAY! He's gotten the poop thing down so far too; we're 4 for 4 during nap time. He likes his frog potty in his room for doing his "private business," haha, so he always climbs out of bed to make a pit stop there before getting back in to fall asleep. Whatever, I'm okay with that! Much better than cleaning up dirty diapers or yucky poop underwear!! Today we've had one mini-accident (just a leak, but we made it to the potty in the nick of time at the park), so I'd say we're doing pretty good :) Night time has been a little tougher, usually one accident per night, but they're not change-the-sheets-huge so I'm happy with it. It takes time, so I hear.

Well, the weather is gross rain (run club got shortened today, boo), it's freezing cold in my house, and my floors are ridiculously dirty...so I think that means I should lay in bed with a cup of hot coffee and my iPad until the kids wake up :)

01 March 2013

It's Friday...are we happy about that?

TGIF!!! I think. I'm not really looking forward much to this weekend, so I'm really not sure if I should be excited that it's Friday. But it does mean that Daniel is coming home from a business trip (yay!!) and there is definitely wine on the agenda tonight (yay!!).

This week has really given me a run for my money. If I could have turned in my mom card yesterday and claimed a sick day (aka stay-in-bed-all-day-watching-tv day), I would have in a heartbeat. Logan was sick at the beginning of the week and then ended the week without his listening ears, as I like to describe it. And now Blake is sick. :(

And by sick, I mean that I just got blow out pooped on in the middle of the mall food court. How's that for a way to end your lunch? Poor guy. He was covered, I was covered, the high chair was covered...thank goodness my mom was there to help or I would have been the crazy eyed lady standing in the middle of the food court waving a big white flag yelling "help! I give up!"

But mostly the reason why I'm not overly excited about this weekend is that we are celebrating the end of our fantastic week (ha ha ha) by having a 3 day Potty Boot Camp! Is anyone excited? No? No takers? I'm not surprised. Logan has already prepped us by informing me that he is not into giving up his diapers, so this should be mega fun.

Sorry for the doom and gloom post, I'm just feeling a bit crazy over here. Help!