31 December 2013

The end of 2013!

2013 was good to our household! This year was so much fun, and finally a year without any major events - no babies born, no houses moved, no jobs changed. Only one big thing changed this year, and that came cruising in at the very end (the week before Christmas, to be exact)...and that is a new car. We traded in the trusty ol' Sienna for a sleek gray 4Runner, woohoo! I have dreamed about owning this car for years (probably since the days of my first drivers license, crazy!) and now we have one! Our main reason for trading in the Sienna was simply because we wanted all 3 kiddos to be in the same row, versus having to climb back through the captains chairs to unbuckle Logan. Plus, we all know the 4Runner is better for mountains and trails, where we someday hope to live! :) Or at least travel to, lol.

Highlights of 2013:
*Blake turned 1! Chocolate cake all around :)
*lots and lots of playtime! After Blake was about 18 months old, the boys started playing together more and it has been tons of fun! Lots of fights of course, but that's what brothers are for ;)
*Vacation to Puerto Rico! We all had so much fun and can't wait to go back again.
*Our mini-getaway to Miami for a Magic/Heat game and night at a swanky hotel!
*Visiting friends!!
*My first, second, and third 5ks! It's been a lot of fun running and working out with the group this year, can't wait to really get back into after baby#3 arrives. Hopefully get around to that half marathon one of these days!
*Logan started going to preschool three days a week and loves it.
*Finding out that we are expecting baby boy#3 in May 2014!!
*Hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year with all the fam.
*Not a highlight, but we had a nice service remembering the life of my grandfather, Papa Jake. He is missed! I'm glad the boys were able to spend as much time as they did with him.
*Celebrating Logan's 4th birthday with his friends!
*Christmas both at home and with family to finish off the year!
*Reorganizing the entire house: cleaning out our garage so we can park the car, redoing our master bath, decluttering the kitchen, and organizing the closets! Whew!!

That last part has been an in-progress thing since October (we really got motivated after we found out that we were introducing a new family member in May...we can't live in chaos with 3 children!!) but we've really been working on it a lot this past month and finished up the last parts this week. All that is left now is to have a garage sale and get rid of some of our extra junk!

I'm looking forward to this upcoming year...2014 looks pretty promising so far! In just the next couple of weeks we will be celebrating Blake's 2nd birthday (where does the time go!? I feel like he was just born!) and gearing up for baby#3's arrival. We have a wedding in Clearwater to go to in three weeks, and we just bought plane tickets to go to Albuquerque at the very end of January...I'm super excited for our first us-only trip since our 1st anniversary road trip to Charleston!

Happy New Years Eve!

19 December 2013


I am exhausted! Christmas this year has turned into one big whirlwind...and there's still about a week to go. I know it's become quite the tradition, but I really hate how consumerist Christmas has become. It makes it difficult to focus on the real reason of Christmas with massive to-do lists and shopping carts swamped with gifts to buy. Not to mention the stress of trying to hit up everyone's house for some sort of Christmas celebration!! Or maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, lol...

Maybe I'm feeling more grinch-like this year since we are entirely undecorated this year. Okay, not entirely, we do have a tree...but that about sums it up. There's a bow on the top, and a few ornaments the kids made, but no lights and no tree skirt and no nativity scene this year. I know it's just a season of life, but I miss being able to decorate without having it all torn down and destroyed the day after! Maybe next year?! I'll keep my hopes up!

15 December 2013

Happy Holidays!

And since Christmas is almost here...Merry Christmas too! I can't believe how quickly the holidays snuck up on us. Seems like we are barely done with Thanksgiving and all of the sudden it's go, go, go!

Thanksgiving was tons of fun - my family visited first, then the Silva crew. We hosted both at our house this year, and everything turned out great (despite our ham mishap)! In the words of Daniel, "you WILL have fun." ;)

Soon after we made the trek up to Jacksonville to visit the Moores, Poyntons, and Zeccardis...and that was a blast as always! Love visiting all of them!!

We've been back home for the rest of December so far but not without lots of visitors again! :) My parents came down for a few days to spend time with us and help watch the kiddos while Daniel and I went to my 19 week ultrasound. It's official...Boy #3!!! We couldn't be more excited!!! Somehow I think I was always destined to be a boy mama!

Daniel's parents arrived a few hours after mine left to help us prep for Logan's birthday party and of course celebrate with us! Logan had a dinosaur theme (surprise surprise, lol) with a bunch of his buddies at the park and he was over the moon. This year he was really into his party and all of the planning that went with it! He picked out the colors (red and orange plates, cups, etc) and the theme (he actually wanted a dinosaur/dragon theme, but I kind of pared it down to just dinosaur!) and the activity (he wanted a craft, so I picked painting dinosaur salt dough ornaments). His 4th birthday isn't officially until Wednesday, so we've got some more celebrating to do - donuts at school with his classmates and we're taking him out to eat on his birthday! Gotta love those week long birthday celebrations, lol.

Today was the Jingle Bell 5k and I'm proud to say...Mr. Baby #3 now has two 5ks under his belt! ;) and at such a young age! hehe. No PR of course, but it was still super fun dressing up in festive gear with my Moms Fit 4 Fun girls. I love love love that we're having #3, but man I can't wait to get back to my normal running pace and not worry about anything!

Only TEN more days until Christmas, and my to do list is still miles long...not sure it's all gonna happen this year. We've been trying to make it to pictures with Santa for so long now - first it was a scratched up nose, then a runny nose, now we're battling a stye on Logan's eyelid. Yeesh. One of these days it will happen (hopefully before the 21st or it just isn't happening this year!). Our week is jam packed and then it's off to my cousin's wedding & Christmas celebrations with the fam! Wish us luck! :)