*Loving all things cars, trucks, motorcycles, and trains. Says Choo-Choo for trains all the time now! so cute. When he sees a car, truck, or motorcycle, he pretends to rev up. Kills me with cuteness, this one.
*His favorite foods are rice, beans, chips, chocolate, apples, and really most other fruits & veggies. He surprised me and ate a bunch of raw zucchini slices the other day while I was preparing the Zucchini Pie. But the rice & beans...that's his Puerto Rican/Colombian side since I'm really not a fan! At least that means he likes to eat at one of my favorite places, Chipotle!
*He laughs at everything. This kid is seriously a ham with a mischievous side to him - he'll raise one eyebrow and smile while he's getting ready to do something he knows he's not supposed to.
*So athletic! Climbs everything. He learned how to balance on the beam at My Gym last week, and today while at the park he was practicing all by himself on the wooden beams around the park.
*Strangely enough, he's an organizer. Yep, definitely didn't get that from me, haha! I find random little piles of toys, usually his cars, organized in lines or groups around the house. I sure hope that's not a sign of OCD, lol...
If it is OCD then Aubrey has it too lol! They will have lots of fun organizing together! :)