I think we might be going through a growth spurt over here! :) Somebody weighed a whopping 23 pounds on the scale this morning (and that is a big deal for my non-grower over here!) and has finally outgrown several pairs of 12 month shorts and pajamas. Woohoo!! That means shopping time for this mama :) I do love shopping for toddler clothes! Everything looks cute on them.
He has been a little ham lately. I know I say this all the time, but I really do love seeing their little personalities develop. He's starting to talk a little bit more; mostly babble still but some is starting to a least resemble what he's talking about. Yesterday he said "shoes" clear as day! Still nothing to write home about since he's not as advanced in talking as some of his buddies, but any progress is good over here.
In typical boy fashion, he already loves bugs and animals. His favorite neighborhood cat passed away, but luckily a new little cat has been coming around (and this one is even friendlier!), and he has a newly found love for all frogs, bugs, and ants. Lucky me...hopefully he won't want any of these as pets some day.
Since Mickey Mouse has been his newest obsession lately, I've been leaning towards putting together a Mickey costume for him for Halloween. Mickey even comes to bed with him now! Nothing will ever replace Cow, but Mickey comes pretty close.
How sweet! He is such a little ham :)