07 March 2012

So done!

I'm just so ready to be 100% well again! By the end of this week I will have been on one sort of meds or another for the past 17 days. Pretty ridiculous considering I tend to avoid taking medications at all most of the time. The diphenhydramine and prednisone I'm on for the allergy has been making Blake really restless and wired so I'm having to dump my current milk supply, adding insult to injury. The meds make me sleepy and super loopy, but do the opposite to infants! Figures. And each day it seems like I have some new crazy reaction...the day I stopped taking them because I thought the reaction was done and out of my system, I wake up itchy and swollen again. This morning I waited an extra hour and half before taking my first dose and my cheeks turned bright red, making me into some crazy clown looking person. Ok, done complaining now.

Daniel and I went on a date (along with restless Blake, haha) to Bucca di Beppo tonight. We had never been there, but it was pretty good! Not quite up to Maggiano's standards in my book, but not half bad. Oh, and also tried out Taverna Opa...now that place is GOOD! I would definitely eat there again! Even Logan loved the lamb in my gyro :)

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