16 April 2012

Toddler dreams

Story of the day #1:
Logan woke up freaking out in his crib this morning, so unusual for him. I went in to get him, and instead of his usual "all done!" that I get in the morning, he was crying and pointing to the guest room saying "bag! Bag! Baaaaaaag!". I'm like what the heck, but I sat him down and let him run across the hall into the guest room to see what he wanted so badly. He knelt down in front of an old gift bag that had some random stuff in it, mostly old Valentine's cards and diaper coupons. He pulled out a tiny pack of conversation hearts (while still crying, mind you) and starts whining. "eat! Eat! Eaaaaaat!!". Yeah, all that and it's not even 7:15 in the morning. Sheesh. He would not let up either, it was a gigantic battle over breakfast before candy (which I finally won, hurrah!) and really put me in a bad mood before the day even started. Ugh. But really, how in the world did he A) remember that candy was in the bag (??), and B) want it RIGHT then and there at 7 am?! It baffles me. Maybe he had a dream about those darn conversation hearts?!

I've been in a funk for the past two days. I know it's stupid and I keep reminding myself that I chose this, to be a stay at home mom, and that the kids are only tiny for just a little while and then they go to school and won't need me as much...but sometimes it's frustrating to have so little personal time. It's funny how you don't appreciate it until its gone.

Story of the day #2:
While feeding Blake this afternoon, I put on an episode of Monster Trucks for Logan to keep him occupied. Today was one of those antsy days for Logan though, the ones where he can't sit still and has to touch everything (we get about one or two of those kind of days a week). Anyways, he grabbed my Strong Willed Child book off the coffee table and started rifling through the pages and bending the cover. Ohh no, that does not fly with me! I told him to put the book back on the table because it was my book and not a toy.

....yeah. My strong willed child ripped the title page out of the book, just like that. I really can't help but laugh!

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is hysterical about those hearts! I so know how you feel! I have been feeling *exactly* the same way. I feel like i'm in such a rut some days and some days I feel like maybe I need to go to work part-time. It is hard..just simple things become such a task sometimes. Hope things get better for you.
