Logan has been into narrarating EVERYTHING these days. He talks non-stop when we're outside, usually about how the birds are up high, flying away, into the sky, and sitting in the trees! It cracks me up. That kid seriously loves birds. But he is also terrified of the dark (I have no idea why, I thought that wasn't something that scared them until they were older?) and the "scary" train in the Little Choo-Choo movie on Netflix.
Oh, random story from about 4 months ago that I forgot to write about:
We were walking through Target, headed towards the checkout, when we passed by the book section. Logan was walking ahead of us but all of the sudden just stopped in his tracks and pointed to a book. "Gra!" he said (that's Logan's name for my dad). Ok, so he thinks someone on one of the books looks like his Grandad. Daniel and I walk a little closer to get a better look. The person on the front of the book...was Steve Jobs! lol. Daniel and I just about died laughing. I guess when you get down to it, my dad and Steve Jobs do have a few similarities - glasses, a beard, they are around the same age...but really, it was hilarious. I told my dad that he's now famous ;)
Daniel is at a business dinner in Pembroke Pines until late late late tonight, so I'm holding down the fort by myself. Guess I should get off the iPad and do something productive.
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