15 August 2012

The Blake man

Blake has just been cruising (literally!) through several milestones lately.

Last week he started to officially crawl. Hurray! It's always SO much fun when babies crawl, albeit a little more crazy town at our house. He is still a pretty slow crawler (good for me!) but I'm sure that will change soon.

He has also learned how to pull up on things, constantly giving me a heart attack since most of our house has tiled floors! Eek! So far no major incidents, knock on wood. But that still doesn't change the fact that my heart drops every time he starts wobbling while clinging on to the side of L's train table!

To top things off, tooth #4 popped through this morning. Yeesh! We are just speeding right through this whole teething business.

Giving Mama early gray hair!

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