06 November 2012

10 months of Blake

Okay, okay, so I'm a few days ahead of myself...technically he doesn't hit the ten month mark until Friday, but we'll let it slide.

Blake's been doing a ton of new things lately! All of the sudden it feels like he launched himself from baby status to not-so-baby status.

He's been eating a TON and loves almost everything we've given him. The only two things he has refused to eat so far are mandarin oranges and peaches, which ironically were the only two things that baby Logan would eat. His favorite is definitely the yogurt melts! Bring those out and he immediately starts waving his arms & legs and smiling. Those are seriously like baby crack. Logan used to be obsessed with those also!

He's also been holding his bottle by himself for about a month or so now, which has been amazing. Logan never did that, so to have a baby that can feed himself is a new experience - and I love it!! It has made my workouts so much easier since he is happily eating while I run & jump around ;)

I love his baby babbles! I'm pretty sure he says dada, but I'm always hesitant to put the early babbles in the baby book since I never really know if they reallllly mean "dada" or if it was just a random string of sounds, ya know? But whatever, it's pretty cute.

His crowning achievement (at least in my book) was that he walked three steps on his own today! We've had a sneaking suspicion that he will be an early walker since he so readily stands on his own, balances really well, and walks easily while holding on to our pinkies. This evening after dinner he was clinging on to Daniel's finger when he spotted me sitting a few feet away and he just took off. It was so fun to have both of us there to see it! The only thing better would have been if we could have trained Logan to use the video camera ;) haha. I'm super excited to have a walker (I think it will make some of our outings much easier, since its hard to have a crawler on concrete, etc) but on the other hand, OH BOY will I be in trouble when Blake picks up speed. Luckily I think I still have a ways to go - Logan took an entire month between his first steps and really walking!

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