19 November 2012

Case of the Mondays

Oh thank goodness for nap time!! I'm seriously struggling this Monday. I was determined to have a good day, but Logan seems set on foiling my plans. Mr. Cranky woke up on the wrong side of the bed - everything has been a battle since 7 am. Not even a morning at my workout/park play shook him out of his funk (and that usually does the trick!). I'm hoping he wakes up in a better mood so we can have a fun afternoon!

On the flip side though, ever since Daniel dangled the idea of a new car (Disney Cars Flo) over Logan's head, he has asked to sit on the potty repeatedly. We went straight for the jugular this time - no peeing for this prize, only a good poop will earn the coveted Flo ;) I really wasn't on board with this idea since I really wanted to wait to push the potty training thing again until he was 3 (and the holidays were over), but Daniel busted it out early. Guess he knew exactly what would lure a potty poop out of Logan because lo and behold...after two days of trying, he finally succeeded and won Flo. Logan was so excited that he asked to call daddy and leave him a voicemail about how he "pooped on the potty! Daddy be so proud of me!" lol. Pretty cute. I don't really think it'll stick (I expect to be cleaning a poopy diaper next go 'round) but we'll see how he does.

My littlest man Blake has started to say Mama, which makes me infinitely happy. They always start out saying Dada first and Blake was no exception, so it's nice to hear the mama every once in awhile (even if he has no clue why he's saying it). Blake is just such a sweetheart, I'd be hard pressed to find a more chill, smiley baby. I just love how he is so content to play alongside of his brother and be toted around to all of our activities and errands.

Some funnies from the L man:

In Target, Logan points to a bag of cotton balls,
"Is that a marshmallow?"

While tucking him for his nap...
Me: Have a good nap, I love you.
Logan: No, mama, wait.
Me: What do you need?
Logan: I need Jesus.
Too cute! So we did his nighttime prayers during nap time too.

Logan didn't want to drink his milk or eat his beans, so I told him that his beans were having a party in his tummy and that the milk wanted to join in on the fun. He really got into it!
Logan: the beans are going to the party! The milk is going to the party too! They're dancing to a song!
Me: what song are they dancing to?
Logan: the Logan's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song!

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