03 June 2013

Rain rain go away

As I was listening to Pandora this morning, Jars of Clay's song 'Flood' came on and it seemed remarkably fitting for how nutty the weather has been these last two weeks. Seriously, I really didn't know it was possible to have this much solid rain before summer even "officially" starts. 

Now that we've covered practically every indoor activity and we've been to the mall a gazillion times, we finally had a chance for some sunny weather this morning long enough to fit in a quick work out and park play. Woohoo! Then back to the monsoons this afternoon, le sigh.

I've also started The Great EBaying/CLing Phase. Now that I've figured out that it's possible to sell really almost anything through EBay and CL AND it comes with a thrill, it's my newest drug of choice (move over, diet coke). So far I've sold a ring sling, pair of baby Nikes, my City Select stroller, and high chair. Next up: another stroller, Bluetooth headset, and Jujube diaper bag. Getting rid of all the stuff I don't use anymore!! Woohoo! I've collected so much junk over the years thanks to my hoarding nature and I just need to clear it all out :)

And of course last but not least, Daniel and I got a chance to go out to dinner the other night to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary! We were supposed to have a business dinner to attend, but after it got cancelled we decided to go out for a different occasion instead :) We celebrated our first anniversary with a trip to Charleston & Savannah, our second anniversary with a dinner at Carabbas, and sadly enough I really have no clue what we did for our third & fourth anniversaries (bad wife). We've apparently come almost full circle since we celebrated this anniversary with another dinner at Carabbas. Can't go wrong with sangria and pasta!! And let's not forget the bread and dipping oil, the other main reason to go to Carrabas ;) I can hardly believe it's already been 5 years but it's been an amazing five years and the best is still yet to come! <3

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