15 September 2011

It's the middle of September already? sheesh.

Trying my darndest not to be negative, but I'm so over Daniel's work schedule lately! Just ready to go back to normal life and have family dinners together and not be husband-less every other week. But anyways, what can ya do. :(

We visited my parents for a few days this week since Logan was a bit sniffly and out of commission for most play dates, and we had a great time! The highlight of our visit was making the trip over to Winter Park for some play time in the park, a yummy pasta with clam sauce lunch at Pannullo's, and a little bit of window shopping. Logan was obsessed with eating the parmesan cheese (the kind in the shakers on the table!) and dipping his bread in the olive oil. Just like his daddy! We even spotted an Amtrak train go by in the park to Logan's delight, although once we walked over for a closer look the train was a little too scary, lol. Choo-choo as Logan says!

So excited to get started on Logan's big boy room soon. I've been collecting ideas for the past couple of weeks and it's slowly starting to come together. Now I've just got to figure out what color to paint the room, find another cherry dresser, and buy a twin mattress! I was thinking white to make it easy on myself, but then I discovered that there's only five thousand shades of white to pick from - is there even a difference between marshmallow white and eggshell white?! We're going to do a cars/trucks/motorcycles theme (all of Logan's favorite things, of course) and Blake will inherit Logan's sea themed nursery (with a few new touches just for him). Probably will need to make an Ikea trip here pretty soon. I hope it turns out!

1 comment:

  1. You should get him the race car bed, you can get them on craigslist for pretty cheap. My nephew loved his and its right on the ground so you don't have to worry about him falling out. It's all plastic so you can wipe it down and sanatize if you buy it used!!
