13 August 2012

Baby Fever

I know this is super silly, but I can't shake that wanna-be-pregnant-again feeling! Grr! Too many darn preggo friends on Facebook posting their super cute belly shots and sonograms.

Well, that, and combined with my efforts to rid this house of everything we don't actually need, I've been going through lots of baby stuff that we don't use anymore. Bye bye whale tub, bye bye rock'n'play, bye bye swaddle blankets, bye bye tiny knitted hats...sniff sniff.

Then all of the sudden I'm getting all nostalgic and wishing I had another baby to name when in all actuality I have a barely-7-month old baby and two-and-three-quarter year old toddler that keep me running around like a chicken with my head cut off most days. Case in point: dealing with a constipated toddler who finally decided to poop after three days...and of course picked the most inconvenient place and time, like when he's wearing Lightning McQueen underwear while running through the middle of the park on a sweltering hot morning. Yuck.

Anyways, I suppose I'll just have to live vicariously through all of my preggo Facebook friends and pray that they pick awesome baby names that I can be totally jealous of. :)

Blake, only a few minutes old!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, this post made me a little sad. No more Silva babies. :( I think when you see me going crazy with three you will be glad you fought off baby fever lol! :)
