Potty training: SUCCESS!!!
Today Logan pooped in the potty. I am truly ecstatic about this, since cleaning poopy underwear is really not my cup of tea (I know, another shocking revelation). Thank goodness for my stomach of steel or I might not have survived. We really haven't had any accidents in the last days either, but on the other hand...he doesn't tell me when he needs to go.
What does that mean? I have no clue. I mean, I guess eventually he will figure out how to tell me when he needs to go, but until then I'll just stick to asking him every hour or two. I usually ask if he needs to use the potty and he'll say no, so I don't force it. I do make him go before we get in the car, after mealtimes, and before nap time (when I change him into "special nap time underwear" aka pull-ups).
Whatever, at least I'm not changing diapers so I'll take it!
PS feeling kind of sad about this whole potty training thing...I know it's ridiculous, but my baby isn't really a baby anymore! He's a big boy that wears Mickey Mouse underwear, talks all the time, eats dinosaur shaped pb&j sandwiches, and has an opinion about everything. Ay yi yi.
Some random pictures from our last two weeks! :)
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