06 December 2012

Acorns & 3 wheeled cars

My Logan quotes for the week:

*points to fallen coconut in our yard*
L: is that a big acorn?

*turns his Thomas the Train bike over*
L: one, two, three...
Me: yes, your bike has three wheels.
L: just like Tomber! (the three wheeled car from the Cars movie)

We were shopping in Publix the other day when Logan just busts out singing the ABCs. No big deal, except I'd been trying to get him to sing it for forever now, and e finally did it! (The whole thing, by himself!) go Logan!

Me: do you want to watch Amazing Alphabet or Numbers Ahoy?
L: No, the one on the right. *points to the screen*

What the heck?? Lol. But yes, the one on the right was indeed the one he wanted to watch...the things this guy remembers!

Melissa & the kids came to visit this past weekend, and we had so much fun as usual! :) between playing at the neighborhood park, A Latte Fun play area, and mall play area, we managed to stay pretty busy! Melissa and I even got to have a girls night out - dinner at Carrabba's and a quick trip to Marshall's for some Christmas shopping. And on Monday before she left, we braved five kiddos at the portrait studio. Yes, that's right, we were the crazy people with five impatient children waiting at Picture People, lol. But we got some good photos so it was totally worth it!!

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