10 December 2012

Birthdays & Christmas, oh my!

My babies are growing up, sniff sniff. Yesterday marked Blake's 11 month birthday, and today is one week away from Logan's 3rd birthday. How can it be that we are only one month out from having a 3 year old and a 1 year old?! Some days it really does feel like the time goes by way too quickly. I feel like I should treasure each moment this year, even the hard ones, since we're hoping to send Logan to preschool next fall and that signifies the end of our full time togetherness :( I'm so excited for him to start that phase in his life (he is SUCH a social butterfly so I just know he is going to love school), but sad at the same time since it means that my baby boy is growing up and spending time away from me. Anyways, sheesh, enough talk about that...the holidays make me sappy.

Speaking of holidays, we just got the tree all decorated tonight! It's a bit of a smish smash of ornaments and lights. I had to let go of my usual OCD tree decorating and let Logan just put the ornaments wherever he felt like. This was tough for me, not gonna lie, lol. So, the tree doesn't look perfect by any means, but it was decorated with love ;) My usual "perfect tree" ideal was shelved this year anyway due to Blake being so little (no breakables on the bottom half of the tree...), so this year was as good a time as any to let Logan go haywire with the ornaments. We ended up with an extra strand of lights so I wrapped some around the handrail of the stairs. Feeling a bit festive around here!

We're having Logan's 3rd birthday party this weekend while we're visiting home for a wedding, and I know a little someone that is just so excited he can hardly contain himself! :) Each day he asks (multiple times, I might add) if it's his birthday yet. I'm excited for him!

Now back to my holiday to-do list...the Hallmark Channel Christmas movie & my chocolate covered popcorn :)

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