26 September 2012

Call me sentimental...

But I truly can't believe that my boys are growing up! How is it even possible that Logan will be turning three in two and a half short months and Blake will soon celebrate his first birthday? That is just crazy talk. Feels like yesterday that I was pacing the halls at Baptist South, impatiently waiting for Logan to make his arrival.

As for Blake, seriously, this year has flown by. Slow down! He is such a lovable, laid back chill guy.

Funny quotes from Logan:

Mimi: "Maybe we can go to the zoo tomorrow?"
L: "oh please please the zoo please!!"

I bought him a new pair of blue crocs.
L: "ooo, just like Tat Tat's shoes!"
Seriously, how does he remember? It's been over a month since we last saw his cousins!

L: "Knock it off, Ray!"
I hear this one about a bajillion times a day. Apparently I say "knock it off, Remy" way too often. Dachshunds bark a lot.

On another note, Logan still refuses to identify any letters or colors when asked despite lots of practice...but has slipped a few times in passing, letting on that I think he actually may know them but just won't do it on command. Sneaky sneaky. That being said, he has officially memorized practically the whole Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song, complete with the roll call. "Mickey! Donald! Minnie! Goofy! Daisy! Pluto!" yes, no alphabet for this one but apparently plenty of room for Mickey & friends ;)

24 September 2012

Beginning to feel a lot like...Fall!

This morning was workout #2 for me with Moms Fit 4 Fun! Not gonna lie, I'm totally into it! I love the workout that they do - it's a total body work out that's an hour long, and the kids have done fantastic both times. Since we do the work out in the soccer field next to the park, the kids get to play on the playground once we're finished. I felt so much better already today while doing the work out, I can't wait to finally be back in shape. Well, the weight loss will take a little time...but at least my legs don't feel like jello this time around! ;)

I've heard that it feels a bit like fall in Jacksonville. I miss this time of year up there! Our backyard was always so nice in the fall. I'm very glad it's starting to cool down here too (although that just means temps in the 80s rather than scorching 90s, lol)! Since Logan has been into crafting and baking lately (wait, that makes him sound like a girl?!), I'm loving all of the Pinterest fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving projects. Making a list of all the ones we can do together this fall! I'm so excited!!

19 September 2012

My little crafty chef

This month is seriously dragging! We're on target for Daniel to be gone 3 out of the 4 weeks this month...grr. Kinda reminding me of what life was like when we lived in Jacksonville - but at least once October arrives we're *hopefully* back to our normal schedule! :) I had almost forgotten how much I hated the travel schedule.

Been trying out some tot school activities with Logan lately. It's been a little challenging since we have a little paper chewing, glue eating assistant (Blake!) along for the ride, but we've managed to do a few things. He especially loved making the initial painting with tape & canvas. Crafts are sometimes fun with a toddler - totally depends on the day! We made a train craft today at story time and he wouldn't stop talking about it until we hung it up on the fridge, lol!

Ever since we made cookies that one rainy day, Logan has been obsessed with all things cooking. He's always asking me if he can help, so last night I decided to let him make the pizza! He spread the sauce, sprinkled the cheese, and added the spinach, black beans, corn, ham, and tomatoes himself (yes, we do make odd pizzas around here ;)). He was so excited about his creation! Of course, this enthusiasm does come with a few problems - tonight I made him pasta, and there's really not too much a toddler can help with in that department...haha. He did help measure out the dry pasta and pour it in the pot (with my help) and then stir the sauce & cooked pasta together. What a good sous chef :)

Blake has finally reached that stage - you know, the one where they put EVERYTHING in their mouth! It gives me a panic attack daily, trying to figure out what the heck he has stuffed in his mouth. Today it has been an old cheerio, random sticker, and shoelace. Yuck. He is also in destructo mode. I'm pretty sure he could tear the entire play room apart if given free rein and an unsupervised ten minutes. That kid is fast. Good thing he's so cute ;) In other news, he has started eating puffs (hallelujah!) which makes dinner time a 100x easier.

A few pictures from our week:

14 September 2012


Haven't blogged in awhile! Whoops!

What we've been up to:
- visited the Moores over Labor Day weekend for a last hurrah before Greyson was born! We had a blast as always! The kids had so much fun swimming in the pool and playing at the carousel park in St. Augustine.
- spent the a couple of days in Titusville visiting my parents and grandparents. Loved seeing Monica & Heather also! :)
- the weather here is finally not quite so brutal so we've been able to play outside a little more! Checked out a new park, played on the porch again (Logan has missed being able to use the sandbox all summer!), and went running with the kids in the stroller yesterday. Holy cannoli, not gonna lie, it's tough to run while pushing a 50+ lb stroller in the South FL heat! Whew!! I should be in shape in no time, lol.
- Logan's imagination gets bigger and bigger every day. He tells me these elaborate stories about his Lego people in the Lego houses he puts together and is always making some new animal out of his food (today it was an alligator out of a piece of crust that fell off of his sandwich!). What a ham.
- Blake is getting more teeth by the day! It's crazy how fast this year is going. He's already 8 (!!) months old. Seems like just yesterday that he was born! He is crawling everywhere, cruising all the furniture, and getting into everything. Must baby proof again soon!
- speaking of being born...yesterday Greyson arrived! Congrats to the Moore family!!
- although it probably won't feel like it for awhile down here, it is finally FALL! One of my favorite times of the year. I'm in dire need of some good pumpkin spice lattes to help remind me of the season!

Not much else happening around here...we're pretty boring! But thank goodness it's Friday! :)