15 October 2014

"Hell Week"

It's been quite a week and it's only Wednesday!! Reminding me a little of "hell week" aka exam week in college. There is little sleep, no real meals, and I'm dying for it to be over and for the weekend to get here. ASAP, because my relief arrives on Friday at 5 pm. Not that I'm counting down or anything.

Blake and Declan both have some mystery sickness, and we are on day three (3!!!) of fevers, runny noses, breathing treatments, and one puking incident that resulted in a humongous mess and an outfit change five minutes before we were supposed to leave to take Logan to school. Thank goodness Logan and I are still in the clear, but it always seems that sicknesses make their rounds before their final exit so I'm a little wary of our good fortune so far! Back to the pediatrician tomorrow to check on Dec's lungs and keeping my fingers crossed that this illness goes AWAY. Not a great week for Daniel to be in Jax again! 😩