09 November 2013


I've been a  little MIA lately for the month of October! And for good reason...

we're expecting #3 to join our family in May!

So basically that means that for the past 14 weeks, I have barely cleaned my house (cleaning products make me feel nauseous), I've barely cooked (food makes me nauseous), and I've been passing out around 9 pm every night (nausea and exhaustion don't mix well). Sense a theme here? lol. FINALLY over the past week or so the nausea has let up (hallelujah!) and I'm starting to feel semi-normal again. But I still pass out on the couch around 9ish every night ;)

Despite feeling crappy, October was such a fun month! I've always been a fan of fall activities, probably because that's the only way we would even know that it's fall around these parts. The temps were still nice and high, but we visited about a billion pumpkin patches since Blake is obsessed with pumpkins, we went on a tractor ride, did the downtown WPB green market, went to three Halloween parties, and trick or treated with the neighbors!  We got some good use out of our costumes this year - and they were the cutest dinosaur and Mike Wazowski ever if I say so myself! Daniel and I also got away for a dinner by ourselves to Maggiano's in Boca to celebrate my birthday. There is nothing better than not having to cook or clean up after a yummy dinner!! We stuffed ourselves to the max with calamari, chopped salad, and eggplant parmesan for me (and three cheese ravioli for him). And of course we topped it all off with strawberry cheesecake!!!

Now that October is over and November is here, we've been working on thankfulness. We've started a thankfulness tree and each day we add leaves. It started out with a bunch of things that Logan is thankful for (car, monster trucks, Daddy's truck, etc) and is finally starting to round out with people (cousins, friends, grandparents). I don't know if its because he's starting to enter age 4 or what, but his behavior has really been improving the last month or so! Hurray! I feel like we've kind of turned a corner on tantrums and the talking back (which I'm sure will come back just as quickly as they left, but for now I'm going to appreciate the break). So, I'm really thankful for being able to really enjoy this stage that Logan is at!

I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year. Logan is at the age where he's really starting to "get" what the holidays mean, and Blake is just so excited about everything that it's hard not to be excited for him. Speaking of Blake, he's now 22 months old and the kid is seriously a whiz at everything! He is so smart. He can count to 7, can point out and name about half of the ABCs, knows a few colors, and talks all the time! So crazy. It's funny because it has really inspired Logan to get into his alphabet (Blake can identify a few letters that Logan has trouble with) so he has been busy learning, learning, learning lately too! The downside though is that although Blake is a whiz at letters, he's also a whiz at climbing...already figured out how to climb out of his crib and get into pretty much anything he wants. Yikes! :)