27 April 2013


On the way to PetCo...
L: I want a dog.
Me: we already have a dog.
L: I want ANOTHER dog! A BIG dog!
Me: well...you have a little dog like Remy because you're little, so when you get bigger maybe we can get a big dog.
L: but Mama, you're already big! So you can get a big dog now!

While tucking Logan in to bed...
Me: want to make something special for breakfast tomorrow?
L: yeah! I want pancakes...in the living room! (busts out laughing)
I don't get it, but there is apparently something really funny about eating pancakes in the living room, lol.

While passing a convertible on the road...
L: Mama, that car doesn't have a top on!

At the fair, Logan saw a turkey walking around...
L: Hi, so nice to meet you, turkey!

On the way to his school to drop off a deposit...
L: I'm going to school in the fall with all of my friends.
Me: yup, you're going to have a lot of fun!
L: I'm going by myself with my friends, mama will stay home with Blake because he's too little to do crafts. I'm going all by myself with all of my friends.

Aww, I'm glad he's excited but sad at the same time! Can't believe August will be here before we know it. Is it sad that my main worry is that now we will be officially tied down? No more spur of the moment trips...guess we will be vacationing with everyone else during school breaks! My big guy is growing up :(

18 April 2013

A little bit of relaxation

Well, as usual my four days of crazy were followed by a good four days of calm (relatively speaking). I always forget this in the middle of the crazy and stress myself out...but I'm so very thankful for a few days of peace and happy kids to recharge my batteries.

They're still climbing on everything (hello, they're boys) but at least they're listening now. And Logan has turned his grump upside down and been in this super helpful mood where all he talks about is how much he loves his brother Blake and he doesn't push him down anymore (I shouldn't laugh but it's so ridiculously cute how serious he is when he says that).

We've been hitting up the park, workouts, and blow up pool afternoons pretty hard lately - summer is here! Hooray? It's just so hot already, I can't even remember what July and August were like last year...

Daniel scored some tickets to the Miami Heat vs Orlando Magic game at the arena in downtown Miami so we made a date night out of it yesterday. We stayed at the same hotel we went to last year for our anniversary since it was within walking distance to the arena. We had a great time! It's so nice to have a chance to spend "normal" time together (aka non-interrupted conversations and leisurely walks by the water) and sit down for dinner. The game was great despite the fact that the Magic lost and the seats were amazing!!

10 April 2013

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.

Lets just preface this by saying that my love for my children burns like the fire of a thousand suns. That being said, I'm pretty sure their energy level is right on par with those thousand suns.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I think they're trying to put me in an insane asylum. Daniel has been gone for the past 3 days, but it really started early Sunday with some real off-the-wall crazy behavior for Logan. Blake is just in that insane climb-on-everything phase. I don't know if I can keep up!

My house has been turned into a zoo. The couches are disheveled from two kids climbing on top of them/over them/under them, my dining room table has been dusted by tiny butts, and there's crumbs and playdoh littering the floor. The bathroom floor is probably still soaked from last night's epic "wave pool" and I have rice stuck to my shirt from today's lunch at La Granja. We were nearly kicked out of story time for a massive tickling/wrestling session.

I turned my head away while washing my hands after yesterday's potty visit and I heard a scream and a splash. Logan and Blake both looked pretty guilty. I'm not really sure what happened, but the bathroom floor had some puddles and Blake's face and arms were wet. Ay yi yi.

For now though, all is quiet. Nap time has commenced and I will regain my sanity with this diet coke and Klondike 100 calorie bar.

09 April 2013

Spring is here!

We've been doing a little "spring cleaning" around here and getting rid of some of our junk (and redoing some of the art around here, my favorite part!). I can't wait until we can own "nice" furniture someday...I kinda feel like everything we have is slowly becoming trashed thanks to two rambunctious boys that like to climb on everything and smear crumbs all over the house. But I love them anyway! :) For now I'll have to settle with creating my dream house on Pinterest, lol.

My brain has escaped me lately and I can't remember what we've been up to, so I'll just post some photos instead!

(Annnnnnd it's official. I take way too many photos!!)

01 April 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Although it seemed super early in the year to celebrate Easter (I can't ever remember having Daniel's birthday so close, but maybe my memory is going in my old age...lol), I won't protest ending March with a good holiday. Spring's arrival has brought lots of fun stuff our way - umm, my way - since I am IN LOVE with all of the new spring decor at Target. Seriously obsessed. I want to buy it all but somehow I don't think that would fall into our budget, whoops! So for now I'll have to stick with strolling by it repeatedly (although Logan is starting to notice - "we don't need that, Mama"). I can't get enough of the pastels & florals and that wooden starburst mirror gets me every time...sigh.

Daniel had a business meeting in Jacksonville this week so we tagged along and stayed at Melissa's new house. We had so much fun hanging out with friends and hitting up the mall and an Easter Egg Hunt with our old playgroup! Logan didn't want to leave (and me either!) We both love visiting Jacksonville.

On our way back we stopped in for a night with my parents and popped over for a quick visit to my grandparents' house with my aunt and uncle. It was so good to see everyone (we hadn't been there since Christmas!), can't wait to go back in a few weeks when my North Carolina relatives drive down!! We haven't seen them since our last NC trip in October 2010.

To end a fantastic week, the Silva/Giammarinaro clan came down for Easter at our house. Logan and Blake had a blast with their cousins. It's so cool having five boys ages 5 and under in the same house, reminds me a little bit of my cousins when we were kids. I just know they will be best buddies growing up together!

And because this is what Easter is all about...one of my favorite Hillsong songs:

One more day and it's not the same
Your spirit calls my heart to sing
Drawn to the voice of my Savior once again
Where would my soul be without Your Son
Gave His life to save the earth
Rest in the thought that You're watching over me

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord, is You Lord

- All I Need Is You, by Hillsong