17 June 2013

Blake's Updates

I was originally going to save this update for Blake's 18 month post, but he's been doing so many fun new things lately that I don't want to forget any of it! I better get to writing, this kid is changing more and more each day! Love it!

At 17.5 months, Blake says:
Hi Mama, Dada, cracker, book, right there, pirate booty (more like 'puh boo'), more, bubbles, banana, quack quack, uh oh, pool. He also tries really hard to moo like a cow, haha.

He loves:
books, eat, go outside, climbing everything, riding in his little red car, the sandbox, watching tv, blowing bubbles, story time & dancing at the library, slides at the playground, 'racing' with Logan, the chocolate chip cookie at Publix, and he's obsessed with using a fork to eat everything (including crackers!).

His favorite books:
the Elmo Potty Look and Find, anything by Richard Scarry's Busytown, Elmo and Zoe's Book of Seasons, Dora the Explorer and Friends, All About Transportation, and Leapfrog My First Book. He's really good at the Look and Find books!

His favorite foods:
yogurt, toast, whole milk, ritz crackers, bananas, strawberries, pirate booty, chips (just like his brother), and anything he can dip in ketchup (chicken, hamburger, or hot dogs).

His favorite tv shows:
Leapfrog Amazing Alphabet, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Fireman Sam, and Curious George.

His favorite songs:
The ABCs (as sung by Logan), Wheels on the Bus, Spin Again, Shake Your Beanbag, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song.

He's still my chill boy though (well, as compared to his brother at this age anyway) and is totally willing to hang in the stroller and eat a snack while I work out, but at the same time once he is done hanging he is go, go, go! This little man can run fast and almost keep up with his big bro on the playground (or at least he thinks he can, I grab him before he reaches the top!). He's a climber for sure, I've had to rearrange our furniture several times to keep him from catapulting over the couches and jumping off the dining room table. He always has the biggest grin while doing it though! Miraculously he hasn't tried to climb out of his crib, and he is still an amazing sleeper at home - sleeps from 7pm to 6:30 am most days and naps from 1 pm to 2ish pm every day. He still occasionally catches a quick cat nap to and from our morning activities but mostly he is all done with a morning snooze! He finally loves to swim (after tons of pool afternoons in our front yard) and is getting better at holding his own in the water! This summer is going to be a blast with these two boys :)

13 June 2013

Photos from our week

Some smiles while watching Dinosaur Train!

My beautiful anniversary flowers :)

Nothing like a good ol' mirror self portrait

Life with this guy is always a blast!

Early morning swim time

Bath hair :)

"Hey Mama, this is my little brother Blake and I love him, take our picture please"

Afternoon snack time

Just...so....tired :)

Frog catching with Reece

Tree climbing with friends!

08 June 2013

Five years of wedded bliss :)

We celebrated our 5th year of marriage on June 7! I can hardly believe it's been that long, the years really fly by the older we get (especially now with kids!). Found this on someone else's blog (who ironically also share our exact same wedding date!) and thought it would be fun to do (and maybe do again on our 10th anniversary?!).

How long have you been together? We started dating in March 2004, so a little over 9 years! Crazy!

How old is your husband? 29

Who eats more? Definitely Daniel, but after his health kick he has toned it down a lot :) and lost over 25 lbs so far! Go Daniel!

Who chooses the movie? Hmm, I'd say it's an equal pick but mine are usually rom-coms and his are the dude action movies. Haha.

Who said "I love you" first? It's been so long I don't remember how it all went down, but I think he did.

Who is taller? Daniel is, of course! Everyone is taller than me.

Who sleeps more? Oh man, I don't know, probably me just because he gets up at 5am most days for work.

Who cant take a joke? We both can I think!

Who sings better? Neither of us win this award.

Who is smarter? I think he is! Although we're both better at different things - he's more math oriented and I prefer English!

Who's temper is worse? I don't know, we both have our fair share of tantrums! ;)

Who does the laundry? I'm not really a laundry sort of person, so our deal is that we each do our own. This rule will also apply to the kiddos once they're old enough! Woohoo!

Who does the dishes? We take turns. I have such a good husband :)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me.

Who is better with the computer? Daniel for sure. Electronics hate me.

Who mows the lawn? Hah neither of us! We agreed to always hire somebody.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but I really wouldn't say that I do it well.

Who drives when you are together? Mostly Daniel because he gets carsick easily.

Who has the nicer vehicle? When the van isn't messy, it's pretty nice :) but he still usually wins that award depending on what car he is driving that week for work. The FRS definitely takes the cake!

Who pays when you go out? We share all of our money (a good deal for me since I don't make any ;) haha) There is no his and hers over here.

Who is most stubborn? Hmmm....that's a tough one. We both have a stubborn hair that we have apparently passed down to our children.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I'd like to say we do it equally :)

Who brings home the bacon? Daniel! So blessed to have such a hardworking husband that goes to work each day and works on school too!

Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine, but we see his family often too.

Who kissed who first? he kissed me in the Walmart parking lot...we are classy! Haha!

Who asked who out? After spending all day together at the beach with friends, he asked me to go mini-golfing with him in Merritt Island that night.

Who proposed? He did, we spent the day at the Georgia Aquarium on my birthday and he proposed in Centennial Park right outside :)

Who is more sensitive? Me for sure.

Who is more likely to lose it in public? Oh man, probably me.

Who has more friends? Probably him. He is so outgoing!

Who has more siblings? Him, I'm an only child.

Well, that concludes our survey! ;) We didn't have any big plans our actual anniversary but we did split a bottle of bubbly, some Cheetos (sorry, diet!) and watched a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars (although Daniel probably won't own up to that). He also got me some beautiful flowers and a mirror I've been admiring at Target! Best husband award! <3

03 June 2013

Rain rain go away

As I was listening to Pandora this morning, Jars of Clay's song 'Flood' came on and it seemed remarkably fitting for how nutty the weather has been these last two weeks. Seriously, I really didn't know it was possible to have this much solid rain before summer even "officially" starts. 

Now that we've covered practically every indoor activity and we've been to the mall a gazillion times, we finally had a chance for some sunny weather this morning long enough to fit in a quick work out and park play. Woohoo! Then back to the monsoons this afternoon, le sigh.

I've also started The Great EBaying/CLing Phase. Now that I've figured out that it's possible to sell really almost anything through EBay and CL AND it comes with a thrill, it's my newest drug of choice (move over, diet coke). So far I've sold a ring sling, pair of baby Nikes, my City Select stroller, and high chair. Next up: another stroller, Bluetooth headset, and Jujube diaper bag. Getting rid of all the stuff I don't use anymore!! Woohoo! I've collected so much junk over the years thanks to my hoarding nature and I just need to clear it all out :)

And of course last but not least, Daniel and I got a chance to go out to dinner the other night to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary! We were supposed to have a business dinner to attend, but after it got cancelled we decided to go out for a different occasion instead :) We celebrated our first anniversary with a trip to Charleston & Savannah, our second anniversary with a dinner at Carabbas, and sadly enough I really have no clue what we did for our third & fourth anniversaries (bad wife). We've apparently come almost full circle since we celebrated this anniversary with another dinner at Carabbas. Can't go wrong with sangria and pasta!! And let's not forget the bread and dipping oil, the other main reason to go to Carrabas ;) I can hardly believe it's already been 5 years but it's been an amazing five years and the best is still yet to come! <3