29 October 2012

Halloween (a little early!)

We made the trek up to Titusville & Melbourne this weekend for an early Halloween celebration (and to see the fam, of course!). We managed to squeeze in visits with quite a few of our favorite people! Saturday night was Ashley & Ryan's Spooktacular party, which definitely lived up to its name! We had a blast.

Logan had a Halloween celebration with my workout group this afternoon. Welllll, it wasn't the best afternoon we've had - my usually happy Blake wasn't in the best of spirits after his nap, and Logan refused to wear his costume for longer than 5 minutes - but at least he got some Trick'or'treating and playground time in.

23 October 2012

The Temperamental Threes

I've always heard that the threes aren't any less challenging than the twos...and I definitely agree! I now know exactly what they're talking about. Logan has entered a whole new phase over the past month - this whole rebellious thing going on when he doesn't get what he wants. Ohhh boy. Gonna have to step up my game ;)

On another note, I've been slowly working on Logan's dinosaur costume for awhile now. It's finally at the almost completed stage - just need to use my mom's sewing machine this weekend when we visit. I think it's going to turn out pretty cute! I posted a picture of it below (imagine the spikes stuffed and sewed in a line down the back of the cape).

22 October 2012


Quote of the day, courtesy of Logan:

We walked past a large black and white American bulldog.
Logan: "Is that a cow? Mooooo"

Luckily the dog's owner thought it was as funny as we did :) in Logan's defense, it did have black and white patches like a cow...hahah.

After a month of Logan waking up between the ungodly hours of 5:30-6 am, we gave in and bought the stoplight wake up clock. So far it has been worth every penny! We set it to the "red light" before every nap and bedtime, and it turns to the "green light" at the specified time. Since we've gotten it he hasn't gotten out of bed until the clock tells him to! We then get a very loud "the light is GREEN! Time to wake up, Mommy! Time to wake up, Daddy!" coming from upstairs. ;)

Photos from our week/weekend:

15 October 2012

WPB weekend

We had an amazing weekend! Of course this is to be followed by a not-so-great Monday (hellooo Tantrum City over here) but at least we had some good days to make it a little more bearable.

On Friday we met up with my parents at Downtown @ the Gardens in Pamn Beach Gardens, which is this cute outdoor shopping area about half an hour from my house. Logan rode on the carousel and train, did a little shopping, and ate lunch on Cheesecake Factory's outdoor patio. Yum! Afterwards we drove down to Palm Beach, where we walked around Worth Avenue (window shopped and a Starbucks break!) and on the Lake Trail along the ICW. Beautiful weather too!

Saturday was another fun day, this time with Daddy! :) We tried out the Green Market in WPB on Clematis Street with Kristyn. Can't believe we've lives here this long already and hadn't been to the Green Market yet. Lots of yummy looking food vendors, a mini pumpkin patch, and of course fruits & veggies. We ate lunch at Grimaldi's Pizza (outdoors again to take advantage of the gorgeous breezy weather!).

Relaxing park day & afternoon nap to top off the weekend on Sunday. Wish every weekend could be like this!

11 October 2012


Our week in photos! I really do take way too many instagram photos...I can't help it! :)

10 October 2012

It's only Wednesday?

I really don't have too much to say besides that I'm so dang tired!! This week is wearing me out. I'm already laying in bed, ready to pass out...and it's only 9 pm. Well, my giganto glass of cabernet may have something to do with this.

Anyways, we had Blake's 9 month check up yesterday. Tried out a new pediatrician. In true Silva fashion, we are now on pedi #4. Two in Jacksonville, two in Wellington. Sigh. I do like this one about a hundred times better than our old practice. Blake was nice and healthy! 20 lbs 1 oz (45th percentile) and 28 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). Plus he was in the 90th percentile for head circumference (what a stark contrast to Logan's 5th percentile head circ). Yes, didn't he just clock in right at the 15th percentile for height at his last appointment? Yes, that is just another reason I really dislike our old practice. They rarely got anything right. Thank goodness we're outta there.

Blake has had this silly low grade (100.5 and under) fever for the past day and a half though...starting to worry me. I know it's probably from the shots (or possibly teething), but I'm ready for my poor baby to feel better...

Blake is 9 months! Whew!!

04 October 2012


I love letting Logan pick out stuff! His choices crack me up. His Halloween costume of choice for the last month or so has been a dinosaur (big surprise). Today I asked him what Blake should be. The verdict? Lion. Hmmm. I could see that. Anyways, he picked out what he wanted his dinosaur costume to look like, so I took him to JoAnn's to pick out some fabric and felt to make it. At first he was convinced he wanted either the Lightning McQueen fabric or the paw print patterned one, but I managed to sway him to a solid color. His choices? Bright blue with orange felt for the spikes. Great, my son already picks Gator colors. Ugh. ;)

Logan's observations about the world:
"is that a fire engine?" as he points to the shopping area security car.
"hi, mice!" as he waves to a hamster display at PetCo.
"what's going on here, Mama? I don't know." to just about everything in Old Navy.
"is that a spider? A spider, Mama! Ew!" while looking at the bottom of his apple (and no actual spider, lol, just the bottom side of the stem).
"I working" as he sits down in front of any computer.

03 October 2012


A blog I read really made me think about the things I spend my time on - do they give me value? We become what we focus on. I don't spend my time wisely most of the time, so I'm going to make an honest effort to change that.

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs." Jonah 2:8
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

01 October 2012

Hello, October!

Moms Fit 4 Fun has actually made me look forward to Mondays again! In Jacksonville I always loved 'Chipotle Mondays' - park playdates & lunch at Chipotle always made it easier to start the week! Now I look forward to the workout & playdate at Village Park on Monday mornings...and to top it off Logan loves it too! He is so funny - he does a lot of the workout right by my side. He runs up and down the soccer field with me, tries to do the burpees, lunges, crunches, and squat jumps. It's pretty amusing. Afterwards he plays on the playground for a good half hour with the other kiddos while the mamas rest! Work hard, play harder: that sums up Logan! ;) and now he is thankfully taking a good nap!!

Interesting observation about South FL:
In Jax, I never once met another Logan. Although I always knew it was a top 20 name, somehow we just never encountered any other Logans - not in the moms group, not at MyGym, not around at a park. Here in Wellington, I have met more than I can count! Just at the workout alone today there were 3 Logans altogether (out of 12 moms!). Must be more popular here than in north FL!

Quotes by Logan:
"Is that a race car? It has two tailpipes" thank you to my gear head husband for pointing out to Logan that most race cars have dual exhaust ;)
"This one is an airplane, and this one is a see saw" talking about his apple slices, which he arranged to look like a plane & a see saw.

Blake has started standing a little by himself! Not going from a sitting to standing position, but just letting go from time to time when he is cruising furniture. It's pretty cute! Love these little men, they make my life so bright!