28 November 2012


Observations from Logan:

L: Mama, do you like spiders?
Me: not really.
L: Mama, do you like frogs?
Me: sure, I like frogs. Do you?
L: yeah. But spiders are scary.

Me: I have some projects for you to do after nap time today! We're going to be talking about the letter C. What starts with the letter C?
L: Oooh! Crocodile! Crocodiles bite!

L: (runs to look out the window before bed) Mama, where's the moon??
Me: I don't know, want to go outside and look?
L: yeah!
We get outside and Logan takes one look around in the dark and immediately says "let's go back inside, it's scary out here!"

While feeding the ducks, I told Logan to throw the bread as high in the air as he could.
L: To the moon?

Me: look at all of these cars we're passing on the road!
L: no, one truck and one van.
Hmm, I stand corrected by my vehicle obsessed toddler!

I shared one of my Christmas Tree cakes with Logan the other day (the Little Debbie kind). He really loved it, but I think the name confused him a little because when I asked him today if he was excited about picking out a Christmas tree with Daddy soon he seemed legitimately bewildered.
L: where do we get a Christmas tree?
Me: we can buy one at Home Depot.
L: a Christmas Tree cake?
I tried to explain the difference to him, but I think I just confused him more, lol!

Me: a holiday is coming up soon, Logan? (I'm thinking of Christmas of course)
L: my birthday is soon!
Me: you're right! You'll be 3 soon!
L: and I have a monster truck cake! And all of my friends will come!
Me: who do you want to come to your party?
L: Aubrey, Alden, Tat Tat and Teo (Sebastian and Matteo), Lily, and Jayce.
Me: well, I hope that some of them can come! what do you want for your present?
L: a fwoon! Lots of fwoons! (Balloons)

Oh man I really hope this birthday party lives up to this little guy's expectations...I'm keeping it kind of small and mostly family so I hope he's not too disappointed! The week before Christmas is just such a tough time to plan birthday parties!

And last but not least, a photo of my goofball at the park and another of my sweet man Blake!

25 November 2012

Give Thanks

It's always a bit of a whirlwind every time we visit home - lots of people to see in a small amount of time. This Thanksgiving holiday was no exception, but we still had a good visit with family! Daniel and I even squeezed in a mini-date night to World of Beer & the new Twilight movie.

Logan says the highlight of the trip (besides playing with the grandparents, of course) was "pushing lots of buttons"! We went to the Orlando Auto Show where he was able to sit in and touch as many cars as he wanted...pretty much heaven for this little boy!

To top off our weekend, we stopped by to see Santa. We prepped Logan ahead of time (lollipops make great bribes ;)) and although Blake wasn't thrilled with sitting on Mrs. Claus's lap, he didn't cry! Definitely a success in our book! Check out the comparison pic too, from Logan's last visit with Santa :)

19 November 2012

Case of the Mondays

Oh thank goodness for nap time!! I'm seriously struggling this Monday. I was determined to have a good day, but Logan seems set on foiling my plans. Mr. Cranky woke up on the wrong side of the bed - everything has been a battle since 7 am. Not even a morning at my workout/park play shook him out of his funk (and that usually does the trick!). I'm hoping he wakes up in a better mood so we can have a fun afternoon!

On the flip side though, ever since Daniel dangled the idea of a new car (Disney Cars Flo) over Logan's head, he has asked to sit on the potty repeatedly. We went straight for the jugular this time - no peeing for this prize, only a good poop will earn the coveted Flo ;) I really wasn't on board with this idea since I really wanted to wait to push the potty training thing again until he was 3 (and the holidays were over), but Daniel busted it out early. Guess he knew exactly what would lure a potty poop out of Logan because lo and behold...after two days of trying, he finally succeeded and won Flo. Logan was so excited that he asked to call daddy and leave him a voicemail about how he "pooped on the potty! Daddy be so proud of me!" lol. Pretty cute. I don't really think it'll stick (I expect to be cleaning a poopy diaper next go 'round) but we'll see how he does.

My littlest man Blake has started to say Mama, which makes me infinitely happy. They always start out saying Dada first and Blake was no exception, so it's nice to hear the mama every once in awhile (even if he has no clue why he's saying it). Blake is just such a sweetheart, I'd be hard pressed to find a more chill, smiley baby. I just love how he is so content to play alongside of his brother and be toted around to all of our activities and errands.

Some funnies from the L man:

In Target, Logan points to a bag of cotton balls,
"Is that a marshmallow?"

While tucking him for his nap...
Me: Have a good nap, I love you.
Logan: No, mama, wait.
Me: What do you need?
Logan: I need Jesus.
Too cute! So we did his nighttime prayers during nap time too.

Logan didn't want to drink his milk or eat his beans, so I told him that his beans were having a party in his tummy and that the milk wanted to join in on the fun. He really got into it!
Logan: the beans are going to the party! The milk is going to the party too! They're dancing to a song!
Me: what song are they dancing to?
Logan: the Logan's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song!

13 November 2012

Weekend with the Moore Family

The Moores came to visit us this past weekend! We had a great time (as always!) with them! It was a whirlwind of a weekend and of course a tad bit chaotic with 5 kids in the mix ;)

We managed to fit in a trip to the Wellington Green Market & playground, A Latte Fun (twice!), Playmobil FunPark, a BBQ & game night, and lots of eating! Miss them already!

08 November 2012

Photo Break & Loganisms

It's so nice to have a house...until you have to clean it! Of course, it doesn't help that I have two messy kiddos and a dog that sheds! ;) taking a break in between vacuuming & mopping to post a few pictures...some are outtakes from Blake's Halloween shoot and others just from out and about this week!

We have had some seriously beautiful weather this week - great for my workouts and perfect park weather! We've hit up two of our favorite parks the past two days (and squeezed in a quick mall trip for pizza & ice cream), the cool weather makes living in South FL more bearable! :)

Funny Logan-isms:

Kally: ahhhhh!! The garbage truck is going to eat me!
Logan: (gives her a hug) don't worry Kally, it won't eat you.

Me: (tiny, quiet burp...I was pretty sure Logan wouldn't hear me!)
Logan: say excuse me, Mama.
Me: Oops, sorry Logan. Excuse me.
Logan: Good job.

Hahhaha. Payback.

Me: this month is Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for?
Logan: I'm thankful for cheese.

As we're leaving the park today...
Logan: (points to Alden) play two more minutes! Bye friends!

That little guy has just gotten SO social - he chats with everyone (including random people that we walk by!) and is always talking about wanting to play with his friends! What a hoot!

06 November 2012

10 months of Blake

Okay, okay, so I'm a few days ahead of myself...technically he doesn't hit the ten month mark until Friday, but we'll let it slide.

Blake's been doing a ton of new things lately! All of the sudden it feels like he launched himself from baby status to not-so-baby status.

He's been eating a TON and loves almost everything we've given him. The only two things he has refused to eat so far are mandarin oranges and peaches, which ironically were the only two things that baby Logan would eat. His favorite is definitely the yogurt melts! Bring those out and he immediately starts waving his arms & legs and smiling. Those are seriously like baby crack. Logan used to be obsessed with those also!

He's also been holding his bottle by himself for about a month or so now, which has been amazing. Logan never did that, so to have a baby that can feed himself is a new experience - and I love it!! It has made my workouts so much easier since he is happily eating while I run & jump around ;)

I love his baby babbles! I'm pretty sure he says dada, but I'm always hesitant to put the early babbles in the baby book since I never really know if they reallllly mean "dada" or if it was just a random string of sounds, ya know? But whatever, it's pretty cute.

His crowning achievement (at least in my book) was that he walked three steps on his own today! We've had a sneaking suspicion that he will be an early walker since he so readily stands on his own, balances really well, and walks easily while holding on to our pinkies. This evening after dinner he was clinging on to Daniel's finger when he spotted me sitting a few feet away and he just took off. It was so fun to have both of us there to see it! The only thing better would have been if we could have trained Logan to use the video camera ;) haha. I'm super excited to have a walker (I think it will make some of our outings much easier, since its hard to have a crawler on concrete, etc) but on the other hand, OH BOY will I be in trouble when Blake picks up speed. Luckily I think I still have a ways to go - Logan took an entire month between his first steps and really walking!

04 November 2012

Zoo and Family Fun!

We visited the Palm Beach Zoo for the very first time on Thursday - actually, it was Blake's very first zoo trip ever! The kids had a lot of fun with Lily & Kate...checking out the animals, watching the bird show, riding the carousel, and playing in the fountains. We stayed for almost 5 hours! Whew!!

Daniel's parents and cousin came to visit this weekend, so Daniel and I were able to go out for a relaxing (and much needed) dinner out on the town! ;) We went to Stonewood, so yummy! We both had skinny margaritas, the blue cheese chips appetizer, and shared the chocolate indulgence cake . I had the ginger lime glazed salmon (seriously, best thing ever) and Daniel had a steak. Pretty sure I blew my calorie allotment for the day in just that one meal, lol.

This morning we hit up the park and Playmobil Funland. I got a little bit of Christmas shopping done (hurray for getting a head start!) thanks to the 25% off sale on all Playmobil. Not sure who's more excited about his present, me or Logan! ;) I LOVE Playmobil!!

Oh, and this afternoon I attempted a mini photoshoot with Blake in his Halloween costume. Ummm, fail. He still won't wear his giraffe ears for longer than 5 seconds, and was a tad bit tired today after both he and Logan woke up at 5:15 (!!!) thanks to the ridiculous time change (why in the wod must we follow these antiquated rules anyway...!!). But, Blake looked cute nonetheless. Enjoy!

01 November 2012

Halloween 2012

We managed to persuade Logan to wear his costume last night, and it was a success! My friend Lauren came over with her little boy TJ to walk around the neighborhood with us. Blake unfortunately had a rough day and passed out by 6pm...but one of these days we'll dress him up in his giraffe costume and take some pretend "Halloween" pictures! Hehe!

And last but not least...my little munchkin as Mickey Mouse last year compared to a dinosaur this year!