29 July 2014

Crazy with 3

I have so much that I would like to say on my most recent life endeavor, aka taking care of three kids, but with that new job title comes exhaustion, both physical and mental. So, long story short, I haven't had much time for 'me' lately. Understatement of the year, actually. Daniel actually asked me the other day when was the last time I showered, and I really had to think about it. That's when you know your life has reached a low point and you're truly too busy.

A few thoughts on life with 3:
- Someone is ALWAYS making noise. Whether it's the big kids fighting over a toy, the baby crying, or someone asking for a snack...there is never a quiet moment going on in this house. And if there is...it's probably because the big kids have turned over a laundry basket and perched it on top of the couch to use as an extra-high jumping point while I make dinner. I can't even make this stuff up, folks. It's a miracle we don't make an appearance in the ER on a daily basis.
- The mental exhaustion is real. Just the other day I poured Cheerios into my coffee and put Parmesan cheese on my salad instead of my spaghetti. Let's not forget the fact that I have 8 boxes of angel hair in my pantry because I keep buying it "because we're running low on pasta" every time I go to Publix. And if someone asks me for the millionth time that day if they can have a snack or that they don't like dinner, I might just break out the ol' "there's starving kids in Africa" line.
- I am a true master of poop. Yes, you heard that right. Logan always wants to go the minute I sit down to feed Declan, Declan poops about fifteen million times a day (usually right in a row and ending with a blowout, since that's what babies do), and potty training Blake has been an experience in itself with lots of Lysol involved. Another fun fact of motherhood: we can always be identified by the presence of a tiny potty in the trunks of our cars. 

Well, I was going to add more but to be honest, now that everyone is asleep I think I'm just going to pass out in this bed for a few hours before the munchkins wake up and call upon me for the beginning of my 14 hour workday. Not that anyone's counting, or anything.

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